Program Eligibility
Special Needs, Learning & Behavioral Disorders
It is our mission to provide a fun, safe, and effective learning program for all students. To do this, it is important that each child is in the class that is best suited for his or her abilities. If your child has a learning or behavioral disability, please indicate this in his/her application. This will help us to know how we can best serve you and your family.
Understand that Homeschool Connections is not equipped to serve students who aren’t able to function within the range of grade levels that their age indicates, academically or behaviorally. If a child is not able to do so, they may be asked to change classes or leave the program.
Age Eligibility
Children must be 5 years old by December 1 to participate in kindergarten classes. It is important that you assess your child’s readiness before enrolling in kindergarten and 1st-grade classes. Children should be able to follow simple directions and have developed motor skills in order to hold a pencil, use scissors, etc.
Children must be at least 6 years old by December 1 to participate in elementary (LE) classes.
Children must be 18 years old or younger on September 1 to participate in high school (HS) classes.
A student may only enroll in classes that include student’s grade level. Students enrolled in classes outside of their age group will be dropped from the class and notified via email. Use your student’s schedule to verify that their student profile lists the correct grade.
Class Registration & Tuition
Family Membership Fee
Membership Fee
We are no longer charging a per-student registration fee, instead we will have an annual family membership fee of $140 each school year.
Registration Dates
Fall Semester
Registration for fall classes will open April 28th, 2025 for current families and May 5th, 2025 for new families.
Winter Semester
Registration for Winter 2026 classes will open November 3th, 2025 for current families and November 10th, 2025 for new families.
Email [email protected] if you have any questions about class changes.
Class & Material Fees
Class Fees
Class fees are $225 per class per semester.
Material Fees
All students are required to bring basic school supplies (paper, pencils, etc.). Most other materials are included in the tuition. However, some classes have additional fees or requirements, such as textbooks, a laptop, or other supplies. Be sure to read each class description thoroughly to know any additional charges or books and materials needed.
Material fees are per semester.
- Art class material fee - $10 per class
- Cooking class material fee - $25 per class (limit one cooking class per student per semester)
- Technology class material fee - $25 per class
Study Hall
Study Hall fees are $85 per study hall per semester.
Any student on campus without a parent and not enrolled in a class must be registered in a study hall during that time. Any student found on campus without a parent and not in a class will automatically be directed to the study hall room and charged a study hall fee.
Students may not be registered for back-to-back study hall periods.
Study halls are intended for independent work and do not provide tutoring, so students will need to bring quiet materials to study, read, etc.
Lunch fees are $25 per student per semester.
Any student on campus during the lunch period will be charged the lunch fee, regardless of parental supervision.
Parents who sign up to supervise as lunch monitors can have lunch fees waived. There are a limited number of lunch monitors at each campus. If you are interested in volunteering, contact your campus supervisor.
Class Drops, Changes, and Refunds
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Parents can make changes to their child(ren)’s schedule(s) through their family login from the time registration opens until the drop deadline date, without penalty or fee.
To make changes, choose classes from the top navigation bar then click on manage registrations and choose future classes. From there, click the box for the class you wish to cancel and push the cancel button. If you make a mistake or want to re-register for a canceled class, scroll down to sign up again in the same manner that you canceled.
After the deadline, any class changes OR drops will result in a $100 drop fee. Class drop requests must be submitted on our Drop Form.
For all families, your non-refundable registration fee(s) are due before you can register. When paying your registration fees and class fee(s), you may use a credit card or debit card.
Fall 2025 semester - Final payments for all fees are due Sunday, August 17th, 2025.
If your balance has not been paid, your children may be removed from their classes and you will not be able to register for the following semester until all previous balances have been paid in full.